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TedX Lausanne'17
Gamification to improve our world: Yu-kai Chou at TEDxLausanne
How to brand anything | Youri Sawerschel | TEDxEHLLausanne
10 ways to hack nervousness & become high on life while doing it | David JP Philipps | TEDxLausanne
Talents are everywhere | Alisée de Tonnac | TEDxLausanne
Let's face it: charisma matters | John Antonakis | TEDxLausanne
Hearing by seeing, access to music through sign language | Laura Schwengber | TEDxLausanne
How to feed a warming world? | Kevin McGeeney | TEDxLausanne
The Science of Influencing Yourself | Lynda Heffernan | TEDxLausanne
How to turn loss into inspiration | George Kohlrieser | TEDxLausanne
Performance: Growth | Aurélie Emery | TEDxLausanne
TEDx Lausanne - 50+20 initiative